Sugar glider: Sleeping during the day and flying at night
Sugar glider is relatively small marsupials, usually between 20 and 120 grams. They have a slender, streamlined body, a pointed head, thin, pointed ears, and...
The Einstein Horse: The Amazing Story of a Racing Legend
At first glance, Einstein may seem like an ordinary name for a horse. But this particular Einstein was no ordinary horse. He was an extraordinary...
In the desert, sand cat is only 45 centimeters long and can survive without drinking water for a month
Why are sand cats banned? The smallest cat in the world has a very ferocious temperament and eats venomous snakes like spicy sticks! There is...
How long can a cockroach live?
Cockroach belong to the order Blattata, and their scientific names all have the word "cockroach" at the end. Among them, German cockroach, black-breasted cockroach and...