Nicobar Pigeon

Lovebirds, the most beautiful Nicobar Pigeon in the world

The Nicobar Pigeon is a large pigeon, usually between 34-40 cm in length. The long feathers on its head and neck are dark grey with a purple metallic sheen. The main colour of the upper body is green with a coppery sheen. The wing feathers have a blue tint, while the tail feathers are pure white. The underparts are dark grey in colour. The iris is brown, the bill is black, and the legs and feet are purple.

Nicobar Pigeon
Nicobar Pigeon

The reason why the feathers of Nicobar pigeons are so colorful is mainly because the environment they live in is relatively safe. Due to the long-term lack of threats from natural enemies, Nicobar pigeons have gradually evolved extremely beautiful feathers to show their charm and attract the opposite sex. This ability to adapt to environmental changes and the process of evolution have made the feathers of Nicobar pigeons one of the most colorful and dazzling birds in the world.

Nicobar Pigeon

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The distribution range of Nicobar pigeons is mainly in the Philippines, Thailand, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. These areas usually have a warm and humid climate and rich vegetation, providing a good habitat for Nicobar pigeons. They build nests in the tree canopy and like to perch on higher branches.

Nicobar pigeons mainly feed on fruits, especially palm fruits. When foraging, they usually choose ripe fruits such as figs, banyan fruits, papayas, etc. In addition to fruits, Nicobar pigeons also eat other plant fruits and seeds, such as nuts, grains, etc. In addition, they also eat some small animals such as insects, spiders and centipedes.

Nicobar Pigeon
Nicobar Pigeon


When searching for food, Nicobar pigeons usually choose areas with abundant food. They choose their feeding locations based on the abundance and quality of the food, and sometimes follow other birds or animals in search of food. Nicobar pigeons usually eat at fixed times, such as in the morning and evening. When eating, they choose quieter places to avoid being disturbed by other animals.

Nicobar pigeons usually perform a series of courtship behaviors to attract the opposite sex when courting. Nicobar pigeons will make clear and melodious songs, which is one of their important means to attract the opposite sex. When courting, they will show their gorgeous feathers and show their beauty and charm by posing in various postures. They will also chase each other to increase their familiarity and intimacy. Nicobar pigeons will also offer gifts when courting, usually delicacies or small items they have found, to express their sincerity and love.

Nicobar Pigeon

The breeding season of Nicobar pigeons is usually between February and May each year. The female bird will build a nest in the tree canopy and lay 1-2 eggs per nest. The incubation period is about 18-21 days. After hatching, the chicks will stay in the nest for a while before learning to fly and find food independently.

What are the living habits of pigeons?

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